Ultimo tango a Parigi (1972)
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"Ultimo Tango a Parigi" (Last Tango in Paris, 1972) directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, includes several controversial and explicit nude scenes.
Maria Schneider (playing Jeanne) is involved in several nude scenes throughout the film. One of the most infamous scenes involves her character being subjected to a non-consensual sexual act with butter, showcasing her nudity in a very controversial context. This scene has been widely discussed and critiqued for its depiction of sexual violence without the actress's full prior knowledge of the act's specifics, leading to much debate about consent and ethics on set.
Schneider appears nude in various other scenes, including a segment where she is seen in full frontal nudity in her apartment. There are also moments of her character exploring her sexuality, like a scene where she masturbates with a mirror, which involves nudity.
Marlon Brando (as Paul) also has nude scenes, though they are less frequent than Schneider's. One notable instance is during the "butter scene" where he's partially nude, and another where he is seen from behind in full nudity during an intimate moment.
The film's approach to nudity and sex was groundbreaking at the time, aiming to explore themes of love, loneliness, and the human condition through an unfiltered lens. However, it also attracted significant controversy, censorship, and legal challenges due to its explicit content, particularly the aforementioned butter scene.
Maria Schneider (playing Jeanne) is involved in several nude scenes throughout the film. One of the most infamous scenes involves her character being subjected to a non-consensual sexual act with butter, showcasing her nudity in a very controversial context. This scene has been widely discussed and critiqued for its depiction of sexual violence without the actress's full prior knowledge of the act's specifics, leading to much debate about consent and ethics on set.
Schneider appears nude in various other scenes, including a segment where she is seen in full frontal nudity in her apartment. There are also moments of her character exploring her sexuality, like a scene where she masturbates with a mirror, which involves nudity.
Marlon Brando (as Paul) also has nude scenes, though they are less frequent than Schneider's. One notable instance is during the "butter scene" where he's partially nude, and another where he is seen from behind in full nudity during an intimate moment.
The film's approach to nudity and sex was groundbreaking at the time, aiming to explore themes of love, loneliness, and the human condition through an unfiltered lens. However, it also attracted significant controversy, censorship, and legal challenges due to its explicit content, particularly the aforementioned butter scene.
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