Tata Werneck, Clarice Falcao, Julia Rabello - Shippados s01e08-12 (2019) Ver en linea

Tata Werneck, Clarice Falcao, Julia Rabello - Shippados s01e08-12 (2019)

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The series "Shippados" (2019) features nude scenes involving actresses Tata Werneck, Clarice Falcão, and Júlia Rabello. Specifically, these scenes appear in episodes 8 through 12 of Season 1.

Tata Werneck: Known for her comedic roles, in "Shippados," she plays Rita and has scenes where she is seen in nude or semi-nude situations, reflecting the series' comedic take on relationships.
Clarice Falcão: She plays Brita, and there are scenes where she appears nude, often alongside her character's partner, highlighting the show's humor and the characters' comfort with nudity.
Júlia Rabello: She also has nude scenes in the series, contributing to the narrative or comedic moments within the episodes.