Edwige Fenech, Femi Benussi – Strip Nude for Your Killer (1975) Regarder en ligne

Edwige Fenech, Femi Benussi – Strip Nude for Your Killer (1975)

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In the film "Strip Nude for Your Killer" (1975), both Edwige Fenech and Femi Benussi appear in nude scenes.

Edwige Fenech is prominently featured in nude scenes, including full frontal nudity, showing her breasts, buttocks, and pubic hair. She is involved in explicit sex scenes where she displays her body extensively. Her role includes a notable scene where she and Nino Castelnuovo engage in an explicit sex scene.
Femi Benussi also has significant nude scenes in the movie. She appears completely nude for an extended duration, showcasing her breasts, buttocks, and pubic hair. Her character, Lucia Cerzer, is involved in a hot sex scene in a sauna, among other instances of nudity.
Both actresses contribute to the film's reputation for being highly explicit in terms of nudity and sexual content. The movie opens with nudity and continues to feature numerous scenes where both actresses are shown in various states of undress.