Joni Durian, Odette Despairr, Tara Clark, Erin R. Ryan - Babysitter Massacre (2013) Regarder en ligne

Joni Durian, Odette Despairr, Tara Clark, Erin R. Ryan - Babysitter Massacre (2013)

il y a 2 mois
In the 2013 horror film "Babysitter Massacre," the actresses Joni Durian, Odette Despairr, Tara Clark, and Erin R. Ryan all appear in nude scenes.

Joni Durian has scenes where she is seen nude, including her breasts.
Odette Despairr also appears in nude scenes, showcasing her breasts.
Tara Clark is involved in at least one scene where she is topless, displaying her breasts.
Erin R. Ryan has multiple nude scenes. She has expressed a positive attitude towards performing nude in horror films, stating, "I really don't have a problem with it. The human body is the human body. I want the nudity that I do to make sense in a film. Now, if it's a B horror fun movie like Babysitter Massacre you're going to have the three B's blood, boobs, and beasts. It's just a staple. I have no problem doing that. I was proud. It was like, hey I'm in a B movie and I'm naked!" This reflects her comfort with the nudity required for her role in this genre film.