Laß jucken, Kumpel 5: Der Kumpel läßt das Jucken nicht (1975)
"Laß jucken, Kumpel 5: Der Kumpel läßt das Jucken nicht" (1975) is the fifth installment in the "Laß jucken, Kumpel" series of erotic comedies directed by Franz Marischka.
The film is set in a large tenement house where various characters engage in comedic and erotic escapades. It follows the story of a young couple, Gerti and Uwe Möhnke, who move into an apartment with Uwe's brother Klaus helping them. The narrative quickly descends into a series of sexual encounters and misunderstandings typical of the genre, with characters like the promiscuous neighbor Frau Kornowski and a Turkish call girl adding to the mix of confusion and humor. The film portrays a slice of life in the Ruhr area with an exaggerated, comedic take on sexual and moral norms.
The film is set in a large tenement house where various characters engage in comedic and erotic escapades. It follows the story of a young couple, Gerti and Uwe Möhnke, who move into an apartment with Uwe's brother Klaus helping them. The narrative quickly descends into a series of sexual encounters and misunderstandings typical of the genre, with characters like the promiscuous neighbor Frau Kornowski and a Turkish call girl adding to the mix of confusion and humor. The film portrays a slice of life in the Ruhr area with an exaggerated, comedic take on sexual and moral norms.