Between the Lies (1997) Watch Online

Between the Lies (1997)

3 weeks ago
"Between the Lies" (1997), directed by Tony Smith, is an erotic thriller that includes several nude scenes, as documented in various online sources. Colleen McDermott as Emily: Nude Scenes: Colleen McDermott, who plays Emily, appears nude in several scenes: Shower Scene: Emily is seen taking a shower, with her breasts visible. Sex Scene: There's at least one sex scene where Emily is nude, showcasing her breasts and buttocks during intimate moments with the detective. Nude Underwear: She also appears in a scene wearing just a man's shirt, implying nudity underneath, which is later confirmed. Seduction and Manipulation: Much of her nudity is tied to her character's manipulation of the private detective, which is central to the plot involving infidelity and deception. Melissa Williams as Desi: Nude Scenes: Melissa Williams, portraying Desi, the wife of the detective, also has nude scenes: Sex Scene: There's a scene where Desi and the detective are intimate, with her breasts visible. Skinny Dipping: She's shown skinny dipping, which includes full frontal nudity. Candid Camera Exposure: Part of the plot involves the detective spying on Desi, leading to him capturing her in compromising situations, including nudity.